Saturday, 23 June 2012

I'm not going to sleep!

Hi There!

I know what you're thinking... more updates? From JoBo? What the HECK?

Well it is mostly the same thing, but I've been experimenting/practicing a bit with my pen and watercolour to really try and get a feel for this new book I'm going to be making and I gotta say, I've never enjoyed a project so much (though its early days, lets give me a few months and see how I'm doing)

So yeah! Here's some more Ginger practice. 

Been doing a bit of reading up about line work too, I'm not sure if it's showing through yet, but I'm feeling positive!

Not sure how well the type is going with this, but hey, it's just a first test. A bit o tweeking here and a bit more practice and it could work out. 

Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!


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