Wednesday 20 March 2013

Animals with Jobs

Only a week and a half left for my exhibition in Norwich Playhouse. You should totally go and check it out, (my work is up the stairs on the way to the auditorium, Adam's work is down stairs in the corridor).
I'm not going to even try and be modest, it looks awesome. Go... right now... seriously. Drop what you are doing and get your butt in the Playhouse, (they were also doing some rather tasty hot cider when I was there. If that doesn't sell it to you, frankly, I don't know what will). 

Anyway, since the exhibition is almost over and I've had a fair bit of positive feedback, I'm actually going to have a really small print run on the images so... if you want to buy and own one of these limited edition beaaaauties yourself, drop me an email and let me know. I'll sign them and number them and everything... like a professional. Yeah, that's right. You heard me. 

So you can get a better idea as to what on Earth I'm talking about, here:

Wicked. Also, if you haven't already, like my Facebook page. It's all the rage right now, all the cool kids are doing it.

Yeah, get on that social media...


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Facebook and bad quality photos

So, I am terrible at updating blah blah blah etc,


I have started a new facebook illustration page, which I seem to be much less precious of, so I'm posting up a lot more things on there. It's mostly just quick roughs and unfinished things that I've taken bad quality photos of, but it's quicker and easier. So if you like my stuff, you should probably go and have a gander of that!
(Also I'm probably not going to posting comics and stuff on that one, so it should remain swear free lol)

Just in case you don't, here's a poor scan of a clown fish to tide you over until I have a bit more time:

He's mega grumpy because he's not very funny.

Over and out.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Quick post of some things

So, as I mentioned previous, I have some work going up in the Playhouse in Norwich so I thought I'd put a couple o pictures up on here. They're either roughs or spoof work, but progress is starting to happen and I thought I'd post something because the comics are going to be on hold for a while.
Here, have a gander:

Thursday 24 January 2013

Myth (almost the end of Jan? Whhhhaaaat?!)

First post of 2013 and I have to admit I have spent longer doing my hair in the past then I did on this comic. But I needed to achieve something, so I declare this thing finished! Boom. 

The word was MYTH. 

Oh yeah, and there is a lot of swearing in it. Sorry if that offends your peepers. Try not to read anything out of the speech bubbles if you're offended easily. 

In other news, I'm putting up some work in the Playhouse Pub in Norwich in March if you're near by and fancy a gander. I'll keep you posted on progress and examples etc a wee bit nearer the time. 
Right now I'm going to drink my lemsip, crack on my onesie and put myself to bed. ^_^

I hope all of your new years were wonderfully awesome. 

Yeeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh ( cough, cough, wheeze, wheeze, sniffle <feel sorry for meeeeeeeee I'm siiiiccckkkk )

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas and all that jazz

I've been busy making things and not posting them, like a pro... 
Here's some stuff:



Plus here's an in-joke Card I did for my friend Kyle 
(not that he received it =/ shhh):

An Illustration Friday Comic of the theme 'Snow' (I actually did two after hating on the first one then realised they kind of fitted together anyway). I didn't finish colouring it but hey, it's christmas,... I've had food, beer and presents to take care of. Hard life. 

Also, I've realised that they don't load big enough to actually read them properly, but if you right click 'em and open in new window they'll load full size.

And lastly, 
 here is a house!

ooooooh ain't it nice?

Love to ALL of your mothers! I hope your Christmas has been super awesome and here's to a sooooooopa doooooopa 2013! 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Illustration Friday- Stretch

Yeah that's right. I achieved a goal. BOOM.

So I still have to work on a few things, especially when it comes to colour, but oh how I'm enjoying this ^_^

Oh yeah, and look at this...

It's amazing.
Nuff said.


Wednesday 28 November 2012

New Rules.

Hello... does anyone still look at this?
Because I'm sorry if you do. I haven't updated in so long and the guilt is shocking, but lets put it behind us shall we? You can forgive me right?

It's in the past.
Rafiki says so.

So anyway, many things have been happening over the past few weeks, some that I'm proud of, some less so, but unfortunately, I've decided to have a blog blackout on them, but maybe in a few months I can post a bit about them all.

In light of this, instead of ignoring my blog completely like I've been doing I've come up with a little plan to help me split up my week a bit better, give me a break from book work, and have a bit of fun!

I'm going to do a little mini comic a week based on whatever word has been picked by Illustration Friday!
Yay! (But before we get ANY further, I'm not promising it'll be every single week. Some weeks are obviously busier than others and I don't think I could handle the guilt knowing I haven't done it. Still, I'm going to give it a bloody good go!)

I've been meaning to do it for some time actually, and I have many many plans for sketches, but I get so bogged down in the details and distracted by other things that I miss the deadline then just throw it on the 'things to look at one day' pile.
And because of that, I'm going to enforce some rules!

1. Whatever I have done will go up on thursday night... unless I'm out drinking, in which case it'll be friday (I have to be realistic when setting rules apparently).

2. Even if I HATE it, it's going on here, I'm trying to accept the mistakes and all that.

So, without further ado, it begins!

This week's word was Whiskers

Yay! Blog blog blog! 
